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Who We Are

The Asia Oceania Federation for Sexology (AOFS) is a membership organisation of country organisations and individuals working in the field of sexology. AOFS is the regional arm of the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS). AOFS is a multidisciplinary organisation dedicated to positive male and female sexual health and the management of sexual dysfunctions.

The mission of AOFS is as follows:

  • To promote the exchange of knowledge about sexual health and the management of sexual dysfunctions throughout Asia and the Oceania region.

  • To establish and support the highest standards of ethics in clinical practice in the field of sexology in the Asia and the Oceania region.

  • To create a collaborative supportive network for professionals working in sexology in Asia and the Oceania region.

  • To provide continuing education to sexologists in the region through bi-annual conferences.


History of AOFS

In 1990, Dr. Emil M.L.Ng of the University of Hong Kong invited prominent sexologists in various Asian regions to a "Conference on Sexuality in Asia" at his University. At the end of the Conference, all participants saw the need to form an Asian Federation for Sexology to continue the communication and strengthening of sexuality work in Asia. After two years of organisational work, the Federation was formally registered in Hong Kong in 1992 with Dr. M.L.Ng as the founding President. The conference in Hong Kong was taken as the First Asian Congress in Sexology.


In 2003, by request of the World Association for Sexology and sexology organisations in Australia, the Federation formally changed its name to Asia-Oceania Federation for Sexology to include membership from Australia and other Oceania countries.


Prior to 2007, occasional journals and bulletins of the Federation were published by individual presidents and vice-presidents. They include Sexuality in Asia (1 issue in 1990) by Emil M.L.Ng (Foundation President), Apollo and Selene (3 issues in 1993) by Liu Dalin, Vice-President 1992-1994 and 2000-2002, Journal of Asian Sexology (2 issues in 1998) by Edwin HW Yen, President 1996-1998 and Journal of Asian Sexology (2 issues in 2001) by Prof. Seichi Matsumoto. 


In 2007, Veropal Chandeying, President 2006-2008, succeeded to make the Journal Sexual Health, published by CSIRO Publishing, Australia, the official journal of the Federation.

AOFS Newsletters were published between 2011 and 2018 to increase communication within the organisation.


Presidents of the Federation




























World Association for Sexual Health overview

​The World Association for Sexual Health is a membership organisation with 5 regional arms:

  1. AOFS covers the Asian and Oceanic area, including Australia

  2. AFSHR covers Africa

  3. EFS covers Europe inclusive of Turkey and Israel

  4. FLASSES covers Latin America and the European Portuguese and Spanish societies  and

  5. NAFSO covers North America, but is presently a sleeping organisation.


Since 1978 WAS has been the global organisation concerned with sexual health and rights. In recent years, the WAS constituency has become involved in advocating for changes in public policy to recognise sexual health and rights as key ingredients in overall health and social justice.


WAS Millennium Declaration [English]

WAS Declaration of Rights [English]

WAS Declaration on Sexual Pleasure [English]




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